Holi: Celebration of Cultural Diversity Through Water Balloons and Mud Wrestling
This weekend is pretty much Multicultural Weekend at my college, when all the cultural groups around campus host special events to entice pre-frosh, or rising freshmen. Unfortunately, the university cut their playtime short, so all the clubs decided to have our Multicultural bash a week later.
This is what college kids do when finals approach. We all gather in The Swamp (huge grassy area between the dorms), spray the ground until it's muddy, line up over a thousand water balloons in large garbage bags, and after a long countdown from 30, we WATER BALLOON FIGHT!
This event is called Holi, after the spring festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and others (Wiki article here). We all got hosed off by extremely cold water and took showers, digging twigs and other things out of our swimming suits and hair. This was the best way to de-stress after a long week.
It was interesting because after a hour, everyone was definitely caked with mud and we all looked grey. No matter what skin colour we originally had, we all looked the same. It was really interesting and rewarding to have fun with complete disregard for what people looked like. Any prejudices only came back after we steadily regained colour with the cold hose water. Sometimes you can't help noticing how different people are from you. But sometimes you need to just close your eyes and wallow in peace-bringing mud.

we used to water balloon freshmen at our old house~
Good luck with the upcoming exams, Angie. I love careless moments like those! Ah.. I wish I was there to mud-wrestle you down >:).
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