Blues Hues

Photography: Self-timer and tripod
I did it. I applied to med school! First step of applications completed last night and finally submitted. Instantaneously a huge weight has been lifted off my chest though I know there is a much longer road ahead. Nevertheless, the rush of exhilaration and nerves felt good after writing and rewriting my story over and over again for this past week. Who knew that talking about yourself could be so darn hard? Shouldn't I know my life better than anyone? As my er ge says, "You'd be surprised."
This monochromatic blue hues outfit was for work about a week ago (6/8) on a Wednesday - midweek slump calls for some over-the-top colour coordination, eh? Ironically the red pops out more than the blue in my skirt, though the red stripes are thinner. Funky how the human brain interprets things. I've been recycling my Forever 21 pieces to some good use and the interest flats were irresistible in that Taipei night market - around $6 USD and in size 5! Surprisingly, my feet are considered too small in Taiwan too - is there any place on earth I'm not considered a mutant?
I have a huge backlog of photos, including those taken with my spankin' new and shiny Canon Rebel T2i + 50mm f/1.8 lens. Absolutely can't wait to post those :) Meanwhile I have started a Flickr account to post my SLR photos with since I've noticed that Blogger/Picasa do not keep the colour profile intact upon upload.
So far, this weekend has been surprisingly productive - studying MCAT Bio all over again at Kaldi's Coffeeshop, playing Wii Sports Resort and taking out life frustrations with Boxing (man my triceps hurt today), and right now going to eat some delicious ultra-legit Korean BBQ. Thanks for all the good lucks :D Thinking of you guys and your support makes me so happy!
You always have so much fun taking blog photos. Congrats on finishing the application! That was a huge step. I can't wait to see your photos taken with the new camera. Have a great week, Angie!
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love it! i like the contrast between the blue and red.. and how you mixed up the tones of blues there!
my fave item of this look is the shirt! :)
i loovee love ur necklace!! and wow! u got your first set of apps done!!! i havent started mine yet (aaahh!) i need to get them done before july tho! congrats on getting them done, the secondary should be easier i heard
Congrats on finishing your app! That truly is a BIG step ahead :D I hope for the best for you!! ^_^
You wear a size 5 shoes?! You have ultra tiny feet!!! How tall are you?
Hope you're enjoying your super legit K-bbq!!!
this is such a cute outfit angie! i love the picture with you jumping!
I'm crazy about your necklace and that skirt is too cute too!
you look super cute!! i love this outfit esp those bright fun shoes!! and aw congrats girl on being done with med school apps!! soo excited for you :).
<3, Kathleen.
I am loving your shoes! They are seriously freaking beautiful! :)
nice necklace <3
Love the shoes.., so adorbs! Lucky you with size 5...wush i had petite feet rather than my montrous size 9 feet
This really answered my problem, thank you!
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