9 to 5 Guarantees 8 hours of Air Conditioning

Forever 21 black skinny jeans (26) // American Eagle by Payless black bow flats (5) //
Photography: Patrick N.
My first work outfit of my first 9 to 5 job (5/31)! I'm currently doing Neuroscience vestibular research in my lab, and if I must sit and do literature searches for this long every day, I must sit pretty. Rompers are all the rage still, since the onesies deemed fashionable really hit the streets with fervor. The downside is having to strip every time you use the restroom. Not to mention their super short length are inappropriate for most workplaces, including mine. Easy fix: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle philosophy - applied to my closet. I threw on a cardigan to hide the spaghetti straps and tucked the romper shorts portion into skinny jeans. I suggest that you wear high waisted bottoms if you tuck a romper into your pants, because there's unsightly poofing in the back, especially when sitting down. Taking off the cardigan makes for a cooler look, both in style and temperature. It's like wearing a jumpsuit with more structured pant legs.
It was 92 degrees and ridiculously humid, stubborn me kept all this on at work and while moving when I got home. My housemate helped me snap a few photos at around 9 PM. He's 6'2" + so my legs probably look shorter than usual haha. He still did a great job, considering it was pretty dim out. I can't believe the Midwest is still this light outside at this hour - it seems that San Diego gets much darker much faster. I was wearing different shoes during the day though and forgot to put them back on again - corn blue pointed toe flats with pearl ankle decorations. The background is the end of my street at my new townhouse. Sweltering summer can't be more sweet (but it could be less sweaty).
By the way, check out my friend Alice's blog post on how to shop smart so you can get more goodies you want for less. She has a great fashion sense too!
Pretty outfit! I couldn't tell that was a romper! Cute though, love the ruffles!
congrats angie on your job! that must be exciting. cute ruffle blouse.
Love the title of this post! LOL.
Neuroscience...dang girl...you blow my Microbiology degree outta the water! Yay(!) to fellow bio-nerds! ;)
couldn't tell that you are wearing a romper and i like your outfit! :)
you had a haircut?
goodluck with uni angie! =)
I absolutely love your outfit! Good luck with your new job! :)
Wow, congrats on the job! Did you study Neuroscience in school? I'm studying psych right now so we kind of touch on the subject, but not as much as I'd like. My boyfriend graduated with a Cognitive Science degree from UCSD and has been answering all my questions since we met. I'd love to hear more about what you do! Hehe, sorry for such a long comment, neuroscience always gets me going...
Anyway, I love the tank! I'm looking for a coral one right now, but not luck.
Have a great weekend!
awwwwieee thanks girl!
I like your new apt lol since i practically lived there with jerry.
super smart idea angie! I actually have some issues on the bottom of rompers not covering enough of my butt, so this will do the trick lul
i like the ruffles in your blouse! so pretty!
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