One Woman Army
Now that I'm beaten black and blue
I can finally come home to you
When the Forever 21 Twist Military Collection came out, I immediately eyed this jacket with the huge sleeves. When I saw it at the Escondido Mega-F21 (as I'm going to call it from now on) I had to nab the last Small I found. Of course I didn't brave the mile-long waiting lines for the dressing room so I made a beeline for the checkout and there were another 20 or so people before me. Shopping is reserved for madmen - you find that out the hard way. For a $29.80 item, the material is quite good and sturdy. I absolutely love all the details - the brass buttons, the flaps, especially the badge. The fit of the jacket is extremely feminine for such a macho trend. The belt accentuates hip curves and has enough holes to be tight for petite waists. But seriously ... am I going to walk around like a sassy cadet all day? I already felt like I needed to be checked into an insane asylum with the stupid wind blowing my hair all over the place today and my camera teetering dangerously near the edge. A middle aged couple slowed, stared, and asked if I needed help. There are very accepting people who live in my neighborhood hahaha. Long story short, this is going back to the store. It was fun while it lasted : )
I grabbed my military skirt from spring and finally put it to good use. I realize that this outfit would have looked much better with my khaki pencil miniskirt but I have absolutely no idea where that is. The fanning out of the skirt accentuated the femininity of this military-inspired outfit, which I love. Girl power! One of my favourite fashion icons is Dulce Candy. At 4'9" she makes most petites look like giants but you can never tell because she always rocks her look with no hesitation. Can you believe she's in the military too? Talk about kicking butt.
The combat boots are from sword fighting in high school. The funny thing is when I went to Hot Topic to look for a sturdy pair without heels (it's very hard to run and attack 200 lb guys when you're sinking into mud, trust me), I couldn't see much in the dimly lit store and managed to buy a pair in size 6 and 8. Embarrassed, I exchanged the 8 for a perfect match. These are really comfy to wear but they make my legs look really short and stunted. Curse you, disproportionate legs!
Thank you Really Petite for this gorgeous clutch! I felt so bad for not having put it to good use and though hmm this will add some BAM power to the neutral colours of this outfit. This BCBG Generation clutch is so cool in that it folds out and you can open the inside to reveal hidden zippers and compartments. This would look beautiful is less crazy, more elegant formal wear as well.
Military green bold shoulders jacket, F21
Khaki military skirt, F21
Black combat boots, Hot Topic
Silver clutch, BCBG Generation (thanks ReallyPetite!)
Yes, I will be making this ugly grimace face throughout the entire shoot. The wind was not cooperating with my hair and the sun was blazing. I really need to race the sunset for the best lighting. I wanted to have that grungey tired feel to the photos so I didn't break out a big smile or worry about concealing my dark circles (which after all my efforts, persist gah)
This is what I looked like 99% of the hour I was taking photos. Took forever because of the wind. Why is it windy? I thought I left that behind when I moved from Oklahoma.
This could almost double for recessionista fashion haha (etymology credit: Julie)
Wind, guide me! (If you know that reference, you are a true gamer ;D) You can also wear the flaps buttoned like so
Crap late to drills!
Silly photo of the post! Lol and that will be the first and last time I use my purse as a weapon. This one's too thin to stuff bricks in it. I pity the foo that stands in the way of my shopping! Hahaha (please don't be offended by this - it's just fun and playing dress up!)
I took this photo standing up and holding the camera while wearing these, meaning I still have some flexibility in these old knees :D
Details, details
Bold shoulders
FOTD: Using Revlon Photo Ready in 04 Nude (it made me glitter like Edward again ugh), ELF Studio Concealer Pencil in Light, lots of ELF Studio Creme Eyeliner smudged out, Geo Angel Blue contacts, Revlon Colorburst lipstick in Soft Nude, ELF Studio Eyebrow Kit in Dark, ELF Studio Blushing and Bronzing Powder (bronzer as blush)
Now for the pretty clutch! Thank you again, Really Petite : ) You always have such amazing outfits and elegant style! ♥
It folds out - pretty awesome and closes with magnet power
Zipper with a black crystal
Pretty tissue paper! I am very easily amused :D
Such pretty handwriting : ) I'm going to keep the contents private :3
I hope you've indulged in the military trend this year! I would never be as brave as our soldiers fighting this long war. This post is dedicated to all the courageous men and women out there and wishing them a safe journey home hopefully very soon!Tomorrow I'm headed to Balboa Park for a day of exploration. There are so many museums and gardens and so little time! Has an entire year really passed so quickly? I'm going to be quite nostalgic for the black fence, the stairs where I take pictures, and all these things when we move into our new place later in the week. Lots of things to look forward too! Stay safe and soak up the sun, lovelies!
PS. I finally, FINALLY made it into Chictopia Style Gallery after all these months of learning photo techniques and trying to capture better lighting. I am so grateful because there were so many times when I just wanted to give up and never update again. I wanted to go back to the comfort of my blog and stay here but I'm really glad I kept putting myself out there and creating, designing, fashioning these outfits I love so dearly. I've loved art all my life and this is my outlet. Plug me in and I will light up the world, one pose at a time ♥ Thank you so much everyone who has ever supported me and voted "chic!" I really can't believe 2 of my outfits got in today alongside these fashionistas!

oh this one is great too!! love the army look! this entry might pass the style gallery also!
Wow! I would so totally wear that top, I LOVE it! I'm gonna go look around for something similar too, nyahahahahaa
awwww ,, super awesome look ! love it =D
and congrats on the chictopia =)
I love your clothes!! XDXD
And congratulations~~~! o(*^ ^*)o
Wow.. I love military styled jackets ~ which reminds me a saw a lovely one at the mall earlier..
I love this outfit :) Even my little sister liked it too hehe, she also said youre very pretty she even asked me to show your other pictures hehehe..
btw ~ i know nothing about eye creams.. sorry :( havent tried using one..
and no worries my throat is fine now :) drank lots of water hehehe
i love F21 for their super great deals!! i know what you mean about the dressing rooms there...the associates there always look pissed off because of all the torture they have to go through hehehehe i feel bad for them everytime!
love the pictures! i love reading your captions on the photos, they make me laugh haha!
congrats for making it onto the chictopia style gallery! thats super cool :D and i'm obsessed with everything BCBG...sigh..
one last thing...i tagged you in an 8 questions tag :D
The military trend is still going on strong and I hope to see it in the Fall! Those shoulders are so Lady Gaga, very bold indeed! I have to agree with you on liking the flaring part, it does had girly-ness to it!
And congrats in making it to the Chictopia Gallery!
I like the Soft Nude w/the Angel Blue! Pretty!
i love the army look. they might let you in in the military and call you the sexy army girl. :))
follow me? thanks!
Lovely Curse
I love the jacket! Too bad it didn't work out :( I love your lenses. You're lucky because on you they look cute, but on me they just creepy lol. Congrats on getting into Chictopia TWICE! :D I knew you had it in you ;)
OMG i saw that purse last week and I was thisclose of buying it! and I LOVE those boots you're wearing, it's so hot! the sleeves for the jacket is so unique too. Lovely outfit all together!
Yay congratz :D
I like the second pic best... I don't know, I just do
Hello Model-esque! Hehehe You look adorable! And I'm so glad you are using the purse!!! YAY!!!! I love the army jacket and the boots are darling! I wish I could pull off a look like this!!!
I think the wind makes for some very nice pics! Love your eye makeup and congrats again on the chictopia style gallery!
cute outfit and congrats on getting into the chictopia. love that site for style inspirations.
I really love all the Military style pieces. Wearing that kind of stuff easily satisfies both my tomboy and girly sides. :D Charlotte Russe has some very chic & petite-flattering Midcalf boots (They lace up; very military style/vintage-esque) for about $40. You can see these "hammer" boots on my blog or Chictopia. Congrats on the style gallery wins! (I'm not even sure if I've gotten any...but then again I don't really look in the gallery.)
i LOVE the boots!!! they are badass!
Love the army inspiration! The jacket looks great on you and the clutch definitely adds a girly touch.
Oh, and your comment about measurements! If you don't have a tape measure than you can use string! Then use a ruler and measure the distance.
your whole entire outfit is fierce! hehe
check out my giveaway:
the jacket and boots are love!
sexy smokey eyes too :D
loving the military chic vibe to your outfits!! that jacket is super amazing! :D
Animated Confessions
That jacket is sooooo cool! I love the shoulders!
It would look so good with a skinny jeans =D But it's also very lovely how you styled the whole outfit! ^^
Thank you for your comment!! Which photo is the artistic shot? =D
Btw: I can always make a make-up, hair or nail art tutorial if you like something and you want to know how to do it yourself! ^^
Loveee the outfit!!<3
You look just wonderful in every outfit! Love it love it! and OMG... I'm going to steal that boots off of you one day!! (or check out hot topic) hehehehe!!!
Although the wind was messing around with you, it did give you some relax mood into the picture, since your outift is so bold! it did give a nice contrast to your looks ;)
Love the details of the outfit and the combination of the bag with it.
LOL hahah yeah you could totally fry ants with that purse!!
cool outfit! love the military trend
I love the military jacket, don't return it, you can pull it off well! My favorite part of your outfit has to be the skirt. And maybe if you wore white thigh high socks underneath it might make your legs look longer? (or it might make them look even shorter, I really don't know). And the bumble bee picture= a lot of zooming and cropping :)
THankx girl ;) I totally thought you of what you did and copied your style! You totally inspired me to do that!
especially the kicking the rain water, I totally stole that from you with your legs kick poses :P
Ok! =D If you see a look you like, just ask me to do a tutorial! ^^
And Your make up is really lovely! =D
omg i love this OOTD!! the military outfit is niiice and the revlon photoready makes your skin glow!!! i need to go buy some of that!
You look so FIERCE, I love it. You really worked this outfit. :) Keep up the good work.
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