Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm the Harvard to Your Oxford

It's the weekend! I survived my Physics exam on Thursday and actually had fun while taking it (well, who wouldn't if your professor wrote all the questions featuring South Park characters?) It was remarkably the most un-stressful exam I've ever taken in college. The end of the week nicely balances out the bad luck and troubles I had earlier in the week. Neuroscience classes are getting harder and harder and I find myself wishing I had 48 hours in a day. I would settle for 24 if I knew how to manage my time wisely and not fall asleep randomly out of fatigue.

This outfit is a tribute to dressing fashionably during Exam week. I really wanted to grab sweatpants one day but I decided life's too short to look like a bum. Thus I pulled out some pieces and fashioned something presentable for Monday, a few days before my exam. My outfits descended into hideous laziness as the week progressed, but that's to be expected when all you can think to do is try to float a nerve to record from it or make sure you wrote all the moment of inertia equations on your 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper.

In other news, more and more people from my "real life" are finding out about my blog and it's not quite as scary as I imagine. For the longest time I've been avoiding even mentioning this to my friends, fearing looks of disapproval and tsk tsk'ing for "wasting my time." What really surprises me is when people on campus bump into me and say, "Hi! What are you up to? Oh by the way, I've been reading your blog." My first reaction is: o_o really? ehhh .. prepare for embarrassment ... while in fact I've been met with so much support and encouragement even from the most unexpected people. Shout out to anyone from school reading this xD

Without further ado, let's talk about this outfit. I wore this on Monday, when it was still just a bit chilly in the mornings and much hotter by early afternoon. My incremental attempts to coerce fall into happening happened a little too well on Saturday because it was definitely in the 60s Fahrenheit. St. Louis jumped from summer to winter faster than you can say SIBERIA. This is a continuation of attempting to build my layering skills while trying to stay fashionable, my major goal this fall/winter.

I really like building outfits, just like stacking random pieces from a Lego set together until I get some shape and working from there. That day I started off with a comfy Forever 21 skirt from summer, a bit too big at the waist but workable. I layered on sweater tights underneath to keep my legs warm and brought out my Oxford booties for a spin. I have been spending so much on shoes lately - my room is exploding with boxes D: I need to pull out the big guns and put in some hours in the Psych building to make up for it :( This pair from Forever 21 is a really dark brown (I had wanted Camel or an Oatmeal light brown but $90 is a little steep at UO or Aldo) and it's pretty comfortable until you walk all around campus all day. The heel is about 4 inches but the worst part is that this shoe SQUEAKS like some rabid mouse puppet or wet sneakers as I walk. If you heard "clip clop squeak clip clop squeak" on Monday, that was me tearing up the sidewalk with some weird noises coming out of my shoes haha. I have no idea how to fix this but hopefully it will disappear soon. I made sure to wear some ankle socks to prevent my feet from slipping when it gets hot.

Finally I threw on a Ralph Lauren Petite sweater I bought off a school clothing sale last year. I can't believe how wealthy some people are around here because they were donating J. Crew and Ralph Lauren for $2-$4 ... I totally nabbed this for $4 and it fits pretty well. The straight-across neckline is kind of strange and itches a little but the length is great for petites. Top it off with a beret I stumbled upon at a thrift store during high school for $0.50 and we have a deal of an outfit. I like the colour scheme and I felt quite collegiate and a hybrid of American and European styles, thus the title. My bag is a random cheap one from Claire's I bought a long time ago that I use instead of a backpack because the one I've been using since 7th grade is falling apart and kills my back. Also, when I stuff it to capacity I look like a sad unfashionable pack mule that a simple breeze can blow over.

White Knit Sweater, Ralph Lauren Petite (size Petite S)
Red and navy striped skirt, Forever 21 (size S)
Grey sweater leggings with ankle socks, brand?
Lace-up oxford booties, Forever 21 (size 6)
Chunky beret, Thrifted
Black faux croc pattern shoulder bag, Claire's
Geo Ash Wing Grey lenses

Photographer: Boyfriend

Disclaimer: No, I don't go to Harvard
Hopefully we can see the leaves changing colours soon in my usual photoshoot location. I ♥ chlorophyll!

 I look a little concerned about my planner here haha
Oxford Booties
I like the effect of the ankle socks peeping through

With a pom pom!
Knit knit knit
Bag attack
I plan on collecting my backlog of outfits tomorrow. I'm challenging myself to a limit of 5 minutes per picture, so hopefully I can fit all my outfits into an hour or so, which includes running up 4 flights of stairs to change. I know I definitely have over 10 outfits to shoot eek. Besides that, I always have a load of work to catch up on but this weekend has been relatively breathe-easy. We celebrated a friend's birthday tonight and I had some yummy food at Moon Festival (thank goodness for the hot tea). I hope you guys enjoy the noodles out of your Sunday!


Rosy and Angy October 3, 2010 at 9:44 AM   said...

hi pretty! love your shoes, what's their brand? they look great with your leggings....!

Petite Gorgeous October 3, 2010 at 9:56 AM   said...

I love the title of this post! :). You are looking lovely as always.

FashionableAsians October 3, 2010 at 11:06 AM   said...

Perfect outfit for fall! I really like your oxfords girly!

Libby October 3, 2010 at 12:29 PM   said...

You look so preppy! But in a good an "I'm going to college and studying Physics and Neuroscience so suck it" kind of way ^_^

And I know what you mean about summer to winter! In Iowa it was 80 last week and this week it's not even topping 50 :(

I'm so proud of you for not wearing sweats girl :)

Thanh Thao October 3, 2010 at 12:46 PM   said...

You look so beautiful, Angie! I really love your otfit, it's kinda perfect for college, you look so intellectual, too! :-)

Ping October 3, 2010 at 1:57 PM   said...

angie-- i love those booties! i been looking for a pair too. they're a definite must have for this season.

The Preppy Student October 3, 2010 at 4:07 PM   said...

cute outfit- you looks stunning in the pictures!

Thanks for visiting my blog, become a follower and Ill follow you!

Kathleen October 3, 2010 at 5:31 PM   said...

LOVE this outfit, esp the lace up booties! wonderful way to stroll in for exams hehe, planning to do that too when the time comes ;). great inspiration fersure <3.

Unknown October 3, 2010 at 7:28 PM   said...

super cute outfit! I love the beanie and your shoes! can't wait to see more outfits!

bubblistyle October 3, 2010 at 8:00 PM   said...

I'm so glad your physics exams was un-stressful! :) I should really start making up tricks like these to help me during tests because I tend to freak out and my mind goes blank. I think it's so cool that people from your college are reading your blog- I only wish I had the courage to tell people about mine. Your outfits are amazing, as usual & I love those tights! Can't wait for your next post!

~KawaiiParadise~ October 3, 2010 at 11:19 PM   said...

~XOXO CHarlotte

s October 3, 2010 at 11:49 PM   said...

I love how those ankle socks peek out of the booties too! And I love how you come up with so many different outfits~ your blog is always so fun to read ^_^

Liana October 4, 2010 at 1:30 AM   said...

ahhh angie i love this outfit! you look so chic :) those boots are really great too!
and omg i love the header, where did you get it? :P haha it looks good if i do say so myself...if you need it bigger or anything let me know :)

PetiteXXS October 4, 2010 at 1:32 AM   said...

I love that you're "coming out" to people in real life! I still haven't done that yet... I think only my family and hubby knows about my blog lol. I definitely don't want to tell people at work (they're mostly guys), but not even my regular friends know. Don't know why but I feel like I would feel more censored if they knew what I'm up to :P

And congrats for getting over physics! I've already purged all physics-related knowledge from my brain since I'll never have to know that minutiae again now that I've passed my exam :P

Jen October 4, 2010 at 1:50 AM   said...

Super cute outfit! The red looks great with the grey tights and the oxfords actually look like pretty good quality-- are they?

It is great that you are letting more people know about your blog. I've recently done that too, and although it is a little embarrassing and awkward at times, I think it is ultimately worth it because of the great support that you end up getting!

Have a great week!

Anonymous October 4, 2010 at 2:10 AM   said...

Cute oxfords! I've always wanted to wear heels like that, except then I'll tower over everything I walk by :) Also love the red cap/hat (what's the correct word, anyway?)

amanda October 4, 2010 at 8:02 AM   said...

loving the shoes and beret!

Anonymous October 4, 2010 at 8:38 AM   said...

thats a cute outift! I really like your oxford booties. you always mix and match so well :)

Unknown October 4, 2010 at 8:59 AM   said...

The outfit looks great. :-) I had to laugh out loud at the phrase "SQUEAKS like some rabid mouse puppet" lol

Jazzy E (Hivenn) October 4, 2010 at 12:12 PM   said...


michelle_ October 4, 2010 at 1:19 PM   said...

i love the way you mixed and matched for this outfit ! you look very pretty :)
nice to know you !

what state are you from ?
its amazing how there's soooo many 100% chinese all over the world :D

Oreleona October 4, 2010 at 2:37 PM   said...

I love ur posts angie and dang u have an awesome Physics tcher!!

Oreleona October 4, 2010 at 2:38 PM   said...

oh and i like the new layout :)

Banhannas October 4, 2010 at 2:50 PM   said...

Your outfit is SO adorable! The grey and the white really makes the red pop in your hat and the stripes of your skirt. =0D

Fashion Nicotine October 4, 2010 at 4:40 PM   said...

You look cute!
Nice shoes!

Tokyo fashion-HOLIC October 5, 2010 at 5:23 AM   said...

Cuuute stripe skirt<3

*sayablack from TOKYO*

Anonymous October 5, 2010 at 7:58 AM   said...

Super cute look- love the complimentary stripes between your skirt and tights!

Carla October 5, 2010 at 12:16 PM   said...

awsome outfit! very chic!!

Unknown October 5, 2010 at 10:42 PM   said...

first of all - cute header!!

second of all - i know what you mean by "REAL LIFE" friends finding out about your blog. its SO awkward. my blog was to express anything i want without worrying about what they would think but i have to be more discrete about certain things now =_= lol

and i love the cute outfit! i'd totally wear the same outfit!! :)

♥Bunny♥ October 6, 2010 at 11:01 AM   said...

OOOoooo!! First thing I notice was your banner! I love it! It looks so professional!
And love the outfit~! You look so smart in a very casual way! Love it!! cute cute ^^

KRISTY October 6, 2010 at 11:13 AM   said...

LOVE THIS LOOK! It's perfect for school! I love the knit overload too :) And yes, I like the peekaboo socks!

ps. great new banner! ;)

noone October 6, 2010 at 12:06 PM   said...

ohh you look so cute! I like the beanie you are wearing. and $4 that is so cheap, yeah some people are so wealthy it is crazy!

StuddedLilly October 6, 2010 at 1:55 PM   said...

cute!! this reminds me a bit of Blair in Gossip Girl!

Ria October 7, 2010 at 4:04 AM   said...

Love your beret and ankle boots.And I'm jealous of your physics professor!Send him over pretty please :p

Clueless Glamour October 7, 2010 at 6:38 AM   said...

Lovely blog! Im your new follower!

Alan Li October 7, 2010 at 6:32 PM   said...

I love the new header! Those leopard wedges are nice. Also, I love your shoes, my friend has similar shoes to those :).

PS: You take SO MANY photos :P.

Alan :)

Karen October 8, 2010 at 12:51 AM   said...

Girl you are so chic, even with a more studious outfit! omg nice banner :) I love your caption "the world is my runway," captures your fashion personality perfectly.

Dewi ♥ October 8, 2010 at 8:54 AM   said...

Cute!! Love the shoes&outfit~

Anonymous October 8, 2010 at 10:26 AM   said...

You looks soo cute <3 ur shoes :D

MINAKICHU October 8, 2010 at 4:22 PM   said...

Your rocking this outfit and becoming a celebrity! Congrats, you deserve it and even more. Stay fab!:-)

Stephanie October 9, 2010 at 4:47 PM   said...

loving your shoes and white socks peeping out, I can't seem to find socks like those. Where did you get yours?

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