Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pandaphilia, Doc-in-Training

pandaphilia med school let the robing begin silly girl first day of med school! with cassandra push open the doors
Ohio State College of Medicine white coat // Thrifted Scholarshop mint blouse //
Anne Klein black pencil skirt (part of my interview suit) // Predictions for Payless/DIY Christian Louboutin red-sole black pumps //
H&M gold segmented necklace // Thrifted Melie Bianco camel faux leather satchel bag //
Island Girl Hawaii neon yellow nail polish (forgot to remove oops) //

Photography: Cassandra (with her new Canon T3i woot!), Dad

MD-To-Be. Welcome to the brand new chapter of my life! As of last Friday I moved to Columbus, Ohio to start my journey through med school. So far Orientation has been extremely tiring and exhilarating - meeting special people and new friends and faculty who come from many backgrounds with remarkable stories and personalities. It is exhausting to say your name and where you're from over and over again - it's like we already have to start memorizing material haha.

The White Coat Ceremony was Monday and this is it! This is the moment we've all worked towards for so long! I went through the whole thing not even processing what this entailed. Yes my coat needs to be shortened and taken in just about everywhere (the Dean even said "yeah ... we'll shorten those for you" as he shook my hand) but it's my passport to the hospital! We get to work with actual patients in just 2 months, making our new curriculum at Ohio State space age and relevant.

I am blessed by every kind of spiritual being that ever existed, because my Dad helped me move in and did everything basically (color me spoiled), and my dear friends from childhood and high school came to visit. I'm adjusting surprisingly well to the environment and running errands all the time. Next Monday the lectures start - wonder how that's going to turn out! Columbus is a unique city with lots of opportunity and fun places to explore. So far I've had the best Mediterranean food on this continent (imo) and late night pizza with an inappropriately named sauce (four letter word that begins with an sl and ends with t if you're curious ... it's Sriracha and ranch). There are thrift stores and little boutiques and a mall but I doubt I'll be spending much time and money there for the next four years! However, I'm doing a fair job of getting dressed well every morning and snapping a few outfit pictures in my apartment. Those posts will regularly be posted in my now regularized life schedule once I get internet next week. For now it's sitting in the library and using their wifi after hours xD

YES, I am going to keep blogging. YES, I still love pretty clothing. YES, just like Professor Oak says on Pokemon - there's a time and place for everything! Of course I won't wear mini skirts with my white coat and Daisy Dukes in clinic, but doesn't mean I can't rock floral pumps like the petite lady doc who coated me (she and I are already developing a connection over this). More than ever I need this passion to keep me going and to destress. More than ever I like to hear from you wonderful readers! And I will never lose this goofy fun-loving make-other-people-laugh nature of mine because the healthiest people in the world have a sense of humour. Laughter is the best medicine.

serious dad is serious sewn in carmen ice cream tent not very petite friendly cheeky yet again exiting gracefully young docs off stage o-h-i-o


ChocolateFashionCoffee August 9, 2012 at 6:44 PM   said...

congrats! :)

Viel August 9, 2012 at 7:36 PM   said...

Congrats! I remember when I wore my white scrubs the first day at nursing school... it felt so exhilirating! Our senior year a few of my classmates burned theirs on a bonfire but I kept them! To me they were a mark of going to such a profession

Unknown August 9, 2012 at 7:53 PM   said...

Your family must be sooo proud of you Angie!!!!!!!! Congrats on getting so far in your career while you're still young and happy to explore :D :D :D Ohio is def going to be a fun journey and hopefully we'll still see you on the blog a lot! So you'll be a doc?!?! Omg, you're going to be all Grey's Anatomy with awesome style!!!!! :D

ahoymichelle August 9, 2012 at 8:51 PM   said...

Oh my goodness, you're living the dream that my parents wanted me to have (whoops haha). Congratulations on the amazing achievements thus far! I can't wait to see what styles you'll come up with in such a new environment!

Oreleona August 9, 2012 at 9:01 PM   said...

yayyy!!! so aweesome! excited for u! congrats angie!! :)

Amber @ August 9, 2012 at 10:30 PM   said...

oh, congrats :) im sure you'll do amazing and start to get used to everything right away. make sure to make time to enjoy yourself because you wont ever have more free time than you do now! at least not for a very long time ;) btw, i cant wait to burn my short white coat, lol. Only like 10 more months or something...

lisacng August 9, 2012 at 10:53 PM   said...

Congrats on the smooth transition to Ohio! I'm so excited for your beginning in med school! Props to you cause it's gonna be some hard work ahead. I'm stressed out just reading about it ;) you'll do great bc you have a great support system and sense of humor!! Can't wait to see your doc approved attire

Anonymous August 10, 2012 at 12:45 AM   said...

Ang, this is awesome!! Look at you in your new med student coat and that pop of mint on stage– classyyyy. This sounds like such an exciting beginning and I'm so happy that you've been able to get here. Good luck with the start of med school and I look forward to hearing a little bit about it from your blog posts. Have a good Friday! xx

Angie J. August 10, 2012 at 2:37 PM   said...

LOOK HOW COOL YOU LOOK! Good luck on everything, congrats!


Jing-Jing August 10, 2012 at 3:14 PM   said...

Aww ou look so happy in your photos!!
The coat looks so cool; has you name on it and stuff ;D
Congrats Angie! I'm really happy for you!

Rena August 10, 2012 at 5:17 PM   said...

Congrats! I wish I had a 'white coat ceremony' where I attend school...

<33 Rena

Trina Mock August 10, 2012 at 6:10 PM   said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting!

Jeeda August 11, 2012 at 2:23 AM   said...

Congrats my dear!! What an exciting new phase of your life!!

CAMILLA August 11, 2012 at 10:58 AM   said...


i smiled when i saw this photo

and yes laughter is best medicine

Anonymous August 11, 2012 at 5:28 PM   said...

Congrats Angela!! Best of luck with your studies towards being a MD!

Alice August 12, 2012 at 12:16 AM   said...

Oooooooh you're going to med school!
That's so exciting!

I'm very excited to follow along with you on your journey through med school. Right now, I kind of want to become a doctor but I'm so scared at the thought of possibly killing someone. It'll be really interesting to join along on the ride as you work your ways through all the intensive studying that comes with being a doctor! Perhaps by seeing some of the things you go through in med school, I'll be able to decide whether or not medicine is the right career path for you.

I can definitely say that you'll probably be one of the best dressed doctors-in-training in your class.

I can't wait to see more!! :)

The Ace of Hearts

xix August 13, 2012 at 12:12 AM   said... are awesome! Good luck good luck with med school! It'll be tough, sure, but awesome and a great experience all the same. And that's perfect that you're still keeping your stylish identity throughout - it'll definitely make you stand out and be more approachable. :)

♥ x i x i a

Lan August 13, 2012 at 7:04 AM   said...

your outfit looks amazing! you have a beautiful smile and your blog is very good and interesting <3 keep in touch!


Anonymous August 14, 2012 at 5:49 PM   said...


Mallory August 15, 2012 at 5:51 PM   said...

Congrats! We are both so happy for you :)

Unknown August 18, 2012 at 12:54 PM   said...

Beautiful pictures - seeing you in your white coat made my day. Go kick some butt, smartypants!

Amy August 20, 2012 at 9:11 AM   said...

congrats! My fiance is in medical school and I remember his white coat ceremony fondly! He is also from Columbus, we visit often! OSU is a great place, you'll love it!

Unknown August 21, 2012 at 6:04 PM   said...

ahh congrats on the white coat ceremony! Blogger and doctor! LOVE IT

love from San Francisco,

K August 27, 2012 at 2:14 PM   said...

Wow that's so amazing, your family must be so proud of you! Congrats! :)

Anonymous September 13, 2012 at 7:02 AM   said...

Congrats! Thanks for being so devoted to your readers during this great adventure you're embarking on your dream of becoming a M.D. The best thing I can say is **Good Luck**. P.S. I remember dissecting cadavers in anatomy and going late nights with my classmate to study with the cadavers to prepare for exam. Nothing better than formaldehyde to start your day.

Angie | September 18, 2012 at 9:40 PM   said...

aww thank you! it's wonderful to hear from fellow student docs :) i know ... i'm already kind of liking the smell o_o . we go hard at anatomy in november. for now it's a lot of diseases and biochem, which is harrowing enough!

trademan February 3, 2018 at 7:36 PM   said...

great combo straght skirt and blouse

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