Sunday, May 6, 2012

Supermoon Saturday Snapshots

supermoon bright supermoon 2012
Photography: JJ and me

THE AVENGERS !!! If you have not gotten your butt to a movie theatre yet, do so because this was 2.5 hours of in-your-face pure awesome. The actors were phenom (everyone loves some Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans, right?), comedic relief right on the spot, and interesting plot quirks ("ohhhh it all makes sense now") for those who have watched paid attention to all the Marvel movies. Not to worry - I have friends who haven't seen anything besides Ironman and they thoroughly enjoyed and followed the film. Stay after both end credits for two extra scenes.

Also, tonight is the SUPERMOON, the biggest moon this year. It's 15,300 miles (24,600 km) closer to Earth than usual and shining white and bright. Makes me want to track things in the woods by moonlight all folklore-style. Here are some photos JJ took with his mad cam skills (confession: I'm still having trouble figuring out where all my buttons are, let alone using them in manual T__T)

Went to Starbucks to study in an Express denim romper from Goodwill ($3 baby). It was well over 90 degrees and humid today, so lots of sweat was involved. Fear not, half off Frappucino Week is here (May 4-13, 3-5 PM) and we got a hugeee Mocha Cookie Crumble frappucino for free for JJ's bday. Will be there at the crack of dawn to hustle for a good table and get some neuro studying on, full throttle. Found some interesting things at Urban Outfitters too like flamingo flats and a studded fanny pack (nerd meets rocker - awesome). Picasa and Flickr codes don't like each other. After two hours of tinkering with code ... kthxbai

As always, my Instagram username is @pandaphilia. Follow me for foodporn and daily snapshots!

Readers - have you seen The Avengers yet?

Enter my CLAWS Jewelry giveaway for a beautiful handmade designer necklace!
Follow Angie on Twitter


Anonymous May 6, 2012 at 3:17 AM   said...

the moon was especially bright in Shinjuku too! I want to see the Avengers too >_< Not released for another few months in Japan!

Whitney May 6, 2012 at 3:22 AM   said...

good luck on finals angie! can't believe you scored the romper for only $3! and i think mocha cookie crumble may be my favorite frap now :P


Lisa May 6, 2012 at 4:16 AM   said...

Love your snap shots! The studded fanny pack is so cute!

The Lovely Memoir

ElyZa May 6, 2012 at 5:44 AM   said...

Nice collection of pictures, and I love your flamingo shoes! :)

Angie J. May 6, 2012 at 8:14 AM   said...

DAMN. I only watched one extra scene. Oh well, I'll buy the dvd as soon as it comes out anyway.
I LOVED that movie, it was perfect in every way!

Those shoes are also pretty rad. So is the playsuit (right?)


paanie May 6, 2012 at 11:46 AM   said...

I've been meaning to see that I've heard pretty good things about it. Deim romper for $3 bucks is a total score . . . So is the fanny pack I'm so still in love with studs!

Megann Monday May 6, 2012 at 11:49 PM   said...

I'm so jealous that you've already seen The Avengers! I, on the other hand, have not :( Most of my friends have already. I guess I might need to see it alone. Or, well, I'm sure my friends would gladly see it again with me (I hope LOL) :)

♥ Megann of Style Surgery

Beige Renegade May 7, 2012 at 12:57 AM   said...

sounds like an awesome day!! Wow those shoes and that bag you picked up are so chic! You have amazing taste ;D

Collections May 7, 2012 at 1:24 PM   said...

Those flamingo shoes are amazing.


lisacng May 7, 2012 at 1:27 PM   said...

Fab moon photos -- too cloudy in DC for any great shots. Plus, my 50mm probably wouldn't do any good. Fab romper! And other thrift store finds. Good luck on the studying!

Anonymous May 10, 2012 at 12:34 PM   said...

You look so adorable! :))

Unknown May 11, 2012 at 8:57 PM   said...

Angie thanks so much for the thoughtful comment on my blog! So glad you popped on over to to say hi! I love love your blog! The flamingo shoes are to die for and I lust after those apple sun specs!


so uhm... maybe we should follow each other?

Unknown May 13, 2012 at 10:22 AM   said...

the flamingo shoes really cuteeee <3 love it :)

if you don't mind it, please visit my blog :)
thanks b4


shethat August 22, 2022 at 5:16 PM   said...

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Anonymous September 4, 2022 at 10:52 PM   said...

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